Dr. Pierce is competent and skilled in small-animal surgical techniques and post-op management..

Dr. Pierce is competent and skilled in small-animal surgical techniques and post-op management..


Pierce studied stress-associated, female chronic pelvic pain diseases such as interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome, vulvodynia, fibromyalgia and migraine along with co-morbid mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. She worked to identify molecular factors underlying chronic stress experienced in childhood that are related to the development of chronic pain in adulthood. Her particular passion is to identify how non-traditional treatments such as regular exercise, osteopathic manipulative therapy, and meditative mindfulness can be used to treat and prevent chronic pain and mood disorders in a population of people at high risk for such diseases.


Stress and chronic pain 

Infants and children that are exposed to chronic stressors early in life are at increased risk to develop chronic pain &/or mood disorders in adulthood.  This project evaluated molecular and cellular mechanisms associated the underlying perturbations in the way the brain processes stress and pain.



Stress and exacerbation of pain


Patients suffering from chronic pain commonly report an increase in their symptoms during times of acute stress. This project investigated the molecular and cellular mechanisms associated with this phenomenon.  



Treating chronic pain


Chronic pain syndromes are notoriously difficult to treat, particularly when the cause of the pain is unknown. This project investigated the potential benefit of using complementary approaches to treating &/or preventing the onset of stress-associated chronic pain.


Future work

Her future work will evaluate the efficacy of complementary and non-traditional treatments such as regular exercise, manipulative medicine, and mind-body interventions to treat and prevent chronic stress, pain and mood disorders in a population of people at high risk for such diseases. Her long-term vision is to unite a team of experts that together improve the well-being of those suffering from the physical, physiologic, and psychological impacts of chronic stress in our community.