
Angela N. Pierce is a pain- and stress-neurobiologist, chiropractic physician, and medical educator and administrator. She is also a University of Kansas Madison and Lila Self Graduate Fellow alumna. She has a Ph.D. in Neuroscience from the University of Kansas Medical Center and a Doctorate of Chiropractic from Palmer College of Chiropractic. She completed her post-doctoral training at KU School of Medicine in the Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology.


My Mission

As a teenager, I was disabled by a rare syndrome of diseases called eosinophilic gastritis and eosinophilic colitis that inflicted constant pain, nausea, and vomiting. In the time before I was diagnosed, I resolved the following promise as a way to counter the fear, anxiety, and hopelessness that loomed over my future:  

If I am ever well again, I will dedicate my life to working on behalf of those who do not know why they are suffering.
— 1999

Although incurable, I took comfort in the thought that science was attempting to understand the basic mechanisms underlying chronic diseases like mine.


Now, I’ve been given the chance to make good on my promise. I can help facilitate the paradigm shift needed so educators and policymakers can focus on strategically implementing preventative healthcare practices. As a member of dual disciplines in scientific research and educational academia, I can foster partnerships and scientific communication between institutions that result in new collaborations at institutional, federal, and, ultimately, world policy levels.


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